EXAMPLE 1: A small house in good shape, with only a few rat entry hole repairs needed. A smaller infestation, and only two total service trips to the home required to set traps and remove rats.
TOTAL: $250
EXAMPLE 2: A large house in disrepair with a tile roof and dozens of repairs needed. A large infestation with lots of trapping required, and four total service visits. Attic cleanup of feces performed.
TOTAL: $1000
There is no one-price-fits-all method for rat control jobs in Columbus. Each job is different, depending on these factors:
Size of the house or building
Condition of house, and the number of rat entry areas
Severity of rat infestation
Building location, roof and attic access, etc.
Severity of rat contamination or damage
The rat removal process consists of these steps:
Full inspection of the exterior house or building, from ground level to roof
Full inspection inside the attic space
Inspection of all vents, plumbing pipes, A/C chases, etc
Sealing shut all entry holes with professional grade repairs
Setting 10+ rat traps on the precise areas of rat activity
Monitoring of traps and removal of dead rats until all are gone
Cleanup of rat waste and repair of damage
Each job is very different, and only an on-site inspection can determine the correct price for your specific Columbus rodent problem. Go back to the
Columbus Rat Control home page for more information about us.